My favourite Nintendo franchise!!! This is gonna be less structured and fancy cause I just wanna have fun with it OKAY.

Favourite game?X
Favourite Pokémon?Scolipede and Seviper
First game?Heart Gold
First starter?Cyndaquil
First shiny?Pellipper

My favourite game is X! I first got it on Christmas 2013. I just recently completed a replaythrough I started in 2021 and then didn't touch since 2022. My team was Zwelious, Scolipede, Chesnaught, Simisear, Pidgeot, and Simipour. Sadly, my original X save from 2013 is gone as I cleared it to start a new one. On that, I remember my Delphox was level 100, the only time I've ever gotten a Pokémon to level 100 myself!

My favourite Pokémon are Scolipede and Seviper! They just always have been. I think I identify with poison types the most and kinda see myself in Scolipede, but I used to more heavily align with Seviper when I was younger.

This is me if you even care

My first Pokémon game was Heart Gold! I got it September 27th, 2013 and I thankfully still have my save! I first beat the Elite 4 on June 17th 2014 with a Torterra named "twinlevf", my Ho-Oh named "NYAN CAT", a Tentacruel, a Rhydon, a Dusknoir, and my Typhlosion named "Valcano!!!". All of these belonged to my sibling except my Ho-Oh and Typholosion, so I guess I was lent them.

Looking in the PC, my Pokémon have lots of funny names, but I would like to highlight this Cubone named "BLOODYMOMY". You know, like how Cubone's mum is dead. Sick in the head.

19/6/24: I've been playing through Ultra Moon recently as I got it when it came out and just never played it. I've really been enjoying it! My team is as follows:

I haven't played through these games since they came out so I didn't really remember much but I like it a lot! USUM might beat out XY for my favourite... Team Skull is my favourite "evil team" for sure. I still have my original Moon file from 2016 and I have a box full of shiny midnight Lycanrocs and a box full of Cosmogs because my sibling had just discovered hacking so I cloned my beloved Lycanroc and made him shiny. I still have the non-shiny original one, thankfully. That's all for now!