LIODEN is a game in which you are the king of your very own pride of lionesses. I joined in 2019 and have been playing ever since. There isn't really an "end" to the game, so most people set their own personal goals! Such as mine...
My personal projects and goals in-game include:
- Logging every lioness I encounter with her personality, whether or not she was claimed, and other potential special aspects. I initially did this to figure out the statistics of NCLS, but I've kept doing it for consistency. I started, why stop? The old and new spreadsheets are linked on the side if you want to take a look!
- Claiming and mass breeding as many NCLS as I can to (hopefully) create pie cubs. I used to have a forum thread in which I would give away pie cubs to newbies/people with few muties, but the demand exceeded the rate at which I was getting new pies.
- Being studded to. Spreading my king's genes all across the game. Victory WILL be in your lioness' family tree.
- Events! I love participating in whatever monthly event is currently going on. Some events have great decor, so I'm usually working on those!